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Injured Player

When a player is injured and the condition affects the player’s ability to physically compete or train with the team, the following guidelines are used by the coach, Executive Director and parent of the player to discuss and agree to the extent of the injury and the financial requirements to continue to pay training, tournament and/or club fees.

  1. Minor injuries: (sprained ankles, twists, sickness, etc.) lasting days or weeks shall not affect the payment of training, tournament or club fees.
  2. Temporary-Severe: Club will use the number of games scheduled to determine percentage of season missed. Percentage of games missed is based on date of injury and release date from doctor.
    • 50% games missed equals a 25% refund (each tournament day counts as one game)
    • 75% of games missed equals a 50% refund
  3. Severe (out for remainder of year): Requires a notice from the doctor that states the player should not participate in soccer for remainder of season.
    • 50% games missed equals a 25% refund (each tournament day counts as one game)
    • 75% of games missed equals a 50% refund

Medical clearance is required for temporary to severe injuries. All players are required to provide written verification from their medical doctor stating that they are cleared or released to resume training and play. The written verification is to be presented to the coach and submitted to the Club.