Sun Prairie Soccer Club strives to provide an affordable soccer experience for all participants. We realize the financial commitment is great and we are committed to working with our families to be sure every child can enjoy playing soccer within our Club.
To help families budget for their specific soccer program, we offer the flexibility of using an installment payment plan to spread out payments across the time of the program.. This can minimize the financial impact of having to pay for a full program upfront. The first payment of the installment plan is collected at registration with the following payments being due on the 15th of each month during the program.
For families paying by check, your registration is not complete until the first payment is received, and subsequent payments are due in accordance with your installment plan. We reserve the right to suspend players from team activities and/or future programs for delinquent payments.
While the installment plan helps the majority of our families make the soccer year affordable, some families may still need financial assistance in order for their child(ren) to participate. We offer aid to players who demonstrate need. If your family is in need of financial assistance for the upcoming soccer year/season, please complete the financial hardship section in the Financial Aid during registration.
Uniform costs, card payment processing fees, and expenses such as travel to/from games and team social events are not included. Families should consider the possibility of these extra costs when registering. The availability of funds provided for financial hardships may be limited due to factors such as funding.
Scholarships (financial aid) are available for our players who receive free or reduced lunch through their school district. Documentation from the school district must be provided.Our financial aid program offers a 60% discount off the total registration fee, not including card payment processing fees. Scholarships are applied towards the registration fee and families are responsible for the remaining balance either paid in full at registration or on installment plans.